Gura Gear Pro Team

The good folks at Gura Gear who make my favourite camera bags recently launched their new Pro Team of photographers. I admit…. I knew this was coming; but am nevertheless very pleased to be included in this select group of photographers.  If you are a regular reader of my blog look for updates on the Gura Gear Monarch over the coming two months as it travels with me through Iceland the Arctic. Updates to my blog might be a bit thin over the coming two months whilst I am away on workshop but I do intend to try and post some images and updates whenever I have some down time and internet access. I include this next bit also as a teaser easter egg for those of you who read my blog in full. Standby for a very exciting announcement for a unique and very special expedition to South Georgia Island and Antarctica in November 2014.  This has been many months in the planning and we (myself and fellow co-leaders who will shortly be named) are almost ready to announce the trip details. It is super exciting and we are champing at the bit to spill the beans. Stay tuned!

Gura Gear has a passion for excellence in everything we do. This passion is evident in our Pro Team. We’ve teamed up with these great photographers that have work, personalities, and passion that describes Gura Gear in every way.​ Now you can learn a little more about what makes them great and what they find great in Gura Gear.

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