Topaz are offering 15% Discount off their Suite of Products

Topaz are offering a rather nice 15% discount off their excellent A.I Gigapixel, A.I Sharpen and A.I DeNoise products (in addition to the full suite of products). Just use the following link for the discount The photograph below of the young wolf on the border between Finland and Russia was processed in Lightroom and then upscaled for a 40″ x 60″ print using Topaz A.I Gigapixel. I will have a future video on this very soon.


COVID Update Greenland Winter is Coming Expedition Delayed until 2022

As a direct result of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis that originated in China and the continual travel bans and closure of countries around the world my 2020 September expedition to the East Coast of Greenland is being delayed until 2022. The decision to delay until 2022 is to ensure we are Greenland at the absolute peak time for light and ice. Full details are on my website in the Workshops link.

Displaying and Sharing your Prints with Moab Flint Portfolio

Recently Moab and Legion paper released a brand new portfolio display system called Flint. In essence, Flint is a modern portfolio system that easily converts your loose print images into a slick and elegant presentation for portfolios, editions, wedding albums, design books, and even digital scrap-booking. My video review of the Flint system is now online.


COVID Update Polar Bears of the High Arctic 2020 Delayed until 2021

As a direct result of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis that originated in China and the continual travel bans and closure of countries around the world my 2020 Polar Bears of the High Arctic expedition to Svalbard is being delayed until 2021. Full details are on my website in the Workshops link.


New Mac Pro Tower of Power Arrival

A few weeks ago I blogged that I took the plunge and ordered a brand new 16-Core Xeon Mac Pro for my still and video editing requirements. I noted at the time I would delve more in depth into my thought process for the purchase as well as discuss my reasoning for the final specification I chose. Since we are all pretty much stuck at home at the moment and since it has been more than a few years since my last unboxing video (the Canon 200-400mm f4L IS Lens) I felt it high time for another unboxing video and a vlog discussion on the new Mac Pro. Enjoy.