Mr. Jan Gear Global Ambassador

I am excited to announce that the Czech Republic company, Mr Jan Gear, has appointed me as one of their 2024 Global Ambassadors. Being an ambassador for this Czech company is close to home for me since my father was born in Slovakia, right next door. The company is perhaps best known for their groundbreaking floating hides that facilitate water-level photography of birds. However, they also make the incredible Boris camera backpack, which is the first I have seen that allows me to carry a 600mm lens with a body attached and still meet airline carry-on requirements. Over the years, I have used countless camera bags, backpacks, hard travel cases, etc. None of them are perfect and each is suited to a specific purpose. The Boris fits a niche for me when I am working in the field in difficult conditions and need to carry my cameras already connected to long telephoto lenses. I will have more to say on the Boris (including a full review) at a later date. I am also going to test one of their floating hide systems later this year. In addition to the floating hide system and Boris, Mr Jan Gear has a range of other bags and accessories you can check out online HERE. And you just have to love a camera accessory company that takes coffee into the equation!

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